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Dante's Hell - Project for a B&B in Rome

Dante's Hell is the name of a renowned B&B in Rome, right in front of the stunning Pantheon. Along with the owners I have designed a distinctive decoration based on the stories of Hell from Dante's Divine Comedy, possibly one of the best known Italian literary masterpieces.

It took three months to complete the 25 scenes which were painted on the corridor's walls and framed with handcrafted stucco.

The Inferno's main scenes were crossed with hand-painted calligraphy explaining the meaning of each of them, so that the tourists who would stay could actually understand their meaning and get familiar with this proud aspect of our Italian heritage.

The tourist market in Rome is intensely competitive with millions of tourists arriving throughout the year, and especially so in the central area which this property is located. To be able to compete with plainly decorated hotel rooms and bed and breakfasts throughout the area is difficult: making a bold and distinctive statement has made this property stand out from the masses.



Francesca Tosca Robicci - Literary Paintings ®

Email: - Mob:  +39.347.1056812 

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