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America Oggi features Literary Paintings in the March issue!

March is birthday month and I am happy it started with a truly important and appreciated gift by America Oggi, #1 Italian American newspaper in the US. My Literary Paintings were featured in the March issue along with a brief overview of my works and a special attention to Italian art and the techniques of fresco, graffito and marmorino. The issue is on sale in newsstands from March 1st.

Francesca has a peculiar and ambitious mission: to preserve and spread the Italian Renaissance heritage in and outside her Country. She draws her inspiration from the classic tradition which has its roots in the Ancient Greek and Roman art, later becoming the basis of Renaissance, and develops contemporary solutions in partnership with Interior designers and clients. She’s therefore able to foster modern and functional artistic visions and to create high profile artworks event when she works in modern private spaces. Her strengths are artisanal craftsmanship and care for details, but also the involvement of ecologic materials. Indeed, Ancient Romans only used natural supplies: pigments from minerals and vegetables, lime and water. This eco-friendly and low-impact environment perfectly suits a modern vision in art still rooted in the past.

Francesca Tosca Robicci, the Tuscan artist who brings Renaissance back to life.

An Italian background and an international calling belong to Francesca Tosca Robicci, renowned Tuscan artist who is also known in the US for her decorative works.

Following her classical studies and a degree in painting at the Fine Art Academy in Carrara, Italy, Francesca starts her apprenticeship in the artisanal workshops of Florence. Here she learns the Italian art and method of fresco, graffito, marmorino and stained glass, thus becoming one of the very few Italian artists currently working with those techinques.

Thanks to her skills and talent which are considered a rarity both in Italy and abroad, Francesca aroused curiosity and gained attention at an international level, starting from the US where she partnered with some retail companies such as L’Arte del Gelato and Filaga, both well known in New York. Francesca created some decorations for the kiosk recently opened by L'arte del Gelato at Oculus, Manhattan, under the guidance of architect Deborah Mariotti, winner of the Interior Design BOY Award 2019. Based on the working project, Francesca hand-painted the decorative panels of the brand logos and tens of structural elements finished in faux marble, at her studio in Tuscany, following in the footsteps of the artisanal tradition and vision of the company. For Filaga, she was in charge of the photographic reportage in Sicily and the copyright of contents which defined the brand concept.

In New York, Francesca’s Art, who earned the title of “Literary Artist” thanks to her technic and artistic ability in merging decoration with literature, will be hosted in a temporary exhibition at the Art Bar West Village. Indeed she started a project of literary decorations named “Literary Paintings” ( where she depicts the pages of Dante’s Inferno, Raphael’s School of Athens and Greek mythology for interiors, linking the Italian artisanal and artistic tradition with the noblest contents of the western cultural heritage.

As an artist, interpreter and expert of methods dating back to the Ancient Roman tradition, Francesca witnesses an increasing demand from the international market, firstly in the US.

Overseas Francesca is gradually becoming known for the uniqueness of her fresco and marmorino works, which are nowadays in high demand either on the public and private market thanks to their versatility and durability.

Francesca has a peculiar and ambitious mission: to preserve and spread the Italian Renaissance heritage in and outside her Country. She draws her inspiration from the classic tradition which has its roots in the Ancient Greek and Roman art, later becoming the basis of Renaissance, and develops contemporary solutions in partnership with Interior designers and clients. She’s therefore able to foster modern and functional artistic visions and to create high profile artworks event when she works in modern private spaces. Her strengths are artisanal craftsmanship and care for details, but also the involvement of ecologic materials. Indeed, Ancient Romans only used natural supplies: pigments from minerals and vegetables, lime and water. This eco-friendly and low-impact environment perfectly suits a modern vision in art still rooted in the past.

Francesca also includes different areas of interest in her production. We recall her work as illustrator and translator of a version of the famous “The Little Prince” of Antoine de Saint-Exupery (“La Bancarella”, 2015), which is considered among one of the most renowned books of the XX century and certainly one of the best -selling books in history with its 253 translations and 134 millions of copies sold worldwide.

The Tuscan artist also measured against a contemporary art expression such as murals. She painted one in New York, Kew Gardens, Queens, to honor American actor and comedian Rodney Dangerfield in his neighborhood during the anniversary celebrations of his passing. A tribute which Francesca chose to offer by evoking a style very familiar to the American people.

Charmed by her esthetic sense and Renaissance vision, the decorative and design markets are increasingly interested in Francesca’s artisanal abilities: with her unique literary and historical background and skills she affirms the depth of the Italian classical tradition in art.




Francesca Tosca Robicci - Literary Paintings ®

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