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Dante's Hell Guest House - Rome

We all have a personal connection to a story, an artist, an author, a book, a myth or just an era, whether it's past or modern. Literary Paintings ® fills your place with your story, your feelings, your memories, and turns every space into a powerful expression of your personality. 

Either modern and classic designs have a unique twist: to ensure a flawless and comfortable place for you. The trick to accomplish this goal lies in developing decoration design experiences that are distinctive, compelling and of superb quality and individuality. 


The lost Leonardo - Florence

Elegance is related to history. History is related to the life of a family, ​an object, a place. 

Committed to architectural integrity and devoted to classic figurative art, Literary Paintings ® is celebrated for its elegant interpretation of living and working spaces. Each project begins with a concept defined unitedly with clients and ends up as a whole that embraces the space with sophistication and a meaningful allure.  

Raphael's School of Athens - Rome

Perseus - Brooklyn, New York


Francesca Tosca Robicci - Literary Paintings ®

Email: - Mob:  +39.347.1056812 

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