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#buonfresco studio of the #ignudi on a s



Buon Fresco, or “true,” fresco, is the most durable art technique currently known and it's ... oh, so very made-in-Italy!


Fresco painting is a method of painting water-based pigments on freshly applied plaster, usually on wall surfaces. The colors, which are made by grinding dry-powder pigments in pure water, dry and set with the plaster to become a permanent part of the wall. 


Fresco painting is ideal for making murals as it lends

itself to a monumental style, is durable and has a matte surface.

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Also known as Trompe l’oeil, (French: “deceive the eye”) this paiting allows the representation of objects with verisimilitude as to deceive the viewer concerning the material reality of the object. This idea appealed to the ancient Greeks who were newly emancipated from the conventional stylizations of earlier art. The technique was also popular with Roman muralists. 


Although trompe l’oeil never achieved the status of a major artistic aim, European painters from the early Renaissance onward occasionally fostered illusionism by painting false frames out of which the contents of a still life or portrait appeared to spill or by creating windowlike images suggesting actual openings in the wall or ceiling.




Marmorino Veneziano is a kind of plaster or stucco. It is based on calcium oxide and used for interior and exterior wall decoration and is made from crushed marble and lime putty, which can be tinted to give a wide range of colors. This can then be applied to make many textures, from polished marble to natural stone effects. 


Its waterproofing and antibacterial qualities as well as visual effects have also made it very desirable for luxury bathrooms, honeymoon bedrooms, and other wet areas. Not confined to interior use, it can be seen on the exterior of many buildings to great effect.




Throughout its thousand-year history, stained glass has been applied almost exclusively to the windows of churches and other significant religious buildings. 


Although traditionally made in flat panels and used as windows, the creations of modern stained glass artists also include three-dimensional structures and sculpture. Modern usage has often extended the term "stained glass" to include domestic lead light and objects of art.




Faux painting became popular in classical times in the forms of faux marble, faux wood, and trompe l'oeil murals. 


Artists would apprentice for 10 years or more with a master faux painter before working on their own. 


Faux painting has continued to be popular throughout the ages, but experienced major resurgences in the neoclassical revival of the nineteenth century and the Art Deco styles of the 1920s. 


Francesca Tosca Robicci - Literary Paintings ®

Email: - Mob:  +39.347.1056812 

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